Open Firmware Info

Shannon Spires


STOP! Read this first:

To get into Open Firmware on Apple hardware, reboot the machine and hold down the keys <cmd> <option> <O> <F>. The <cmd> key is the one with the picture of the apple or the cloverleaf in it.

Open Firmware documentation

A Few Open Firmware Commands


Prints all current variables and their defaults

printenv variable

Prints current and devault value of variable

setenv variable value

Sets variable to given value


Resets all variables to factory defaults


Reboots the machine


Powers down


Boots the machine with the value of boot-device

: reboot reset-all ;

Defines reboot as a command to reboot the computer, but it doesn't persist across reboots.

More commands here

Values of boot-device. These values are what you'll probably spend most of your time on.

setenv boot-device value

where value is:


Tells the machine to use the file bootinfo.txt in the System folder on disk partition 8 as boot instructions


Boot from the network


Boot from a specific BootP server


Boot from a specific file on a specific server


Tells the machine to find the first file of Mac type tbxi in the System folder on disk partition 8 as boot instructions

How do you define a Forth word that persists across reboots? I think you gotta use nvramrc. More on this as I figure it out.

Open Firmware Links