free web tracker Changes News


9/20/10--We have a new and beautiful look to our home page header with great
thanks to our friend Davide (Occidental Congress) in Italy.

1/14/10--Changes' Lament album is released!! It is presently available from TESCO Germany
and HauRuck! and may be pre-ordered from TESCO US. Soon also to be available from this site.

10/22/09--While attending the Stella Natura Festival in California, Merrick Klaus, producer and host
of the fine weekly webcast Aural Apocalypse (, interviewed Nicholas.

To listen to and download a podcast of the program of Wednesday, October 21, highlighting
the music of Changes including the interview, click on this link:

Playlist of this radio program:

Changes: Another Day
Lady Morphia: Turn to Silver
Scorpion Wind: Some Colossus
Sinweldi: Notre Victoire
Tuhat Kuolemaa Sekunnissa: Näkyjä
Echo West: Nordstadt
Forests and Communism: Valium
O Quam Tristis: O Langueo
Von Thronstahl: Kristall-Kristur
Puissance: Totalitarian Hearts
Kreigsfall-U. : The Ancient Lords
Changes: No Way Back

~~~~~~ Interview with CHANGES ~~~~~~

Changes: The Invisible Man
Thomas Watkiss: Through Godless Abandon
Shinjuku Thief: Totenheer
Ninth Desert: Maz Experience
Theodor Bastard vs. The Moon Far Away: Praesagium
Shattered Hand: Golden Science
Mediaeval Baebes: Trovommi Amor
Langemarck: Dresden

6/22/09--The Changes/Allerseelen collaboration Men Among the Ruins is once again in stock in our merchandise department!
We are also pleased and proud to offer the poetry chapbook entitled Poems From The Red Salon published by our affiliate,
The Red Salon, the project of R. N. Taylor and his wife Christina Finlayson. Their website ( features
their stellar poetry and artwork along with lyrical poetic works of Nicholas Tesluk.

3/27/09--After a rather long dry period, a new Changes studio album will soon
be released! The long awaited Lament album has embarked on its sojourn to
Austria for production by Albin Julius at HauRuck!
An actual release date has
not yet been determined, but it certainly is great to have the pre-production phase completed!

The album is a group of thirteen songs, lamenting the post-2000 dissolution of Robert's and Nicholas's
20+ year marriages. It will be sixty-four minutes in length, feature special guest appearances,
and released as both a CD and a double LP.

4/26/08--Changes is honored to be performing at
Germ Books & Gallery L.L.C., 2005 Frankford Ave.,
Philadelphia, PA 19125
on Saturday, June 21, 2008. Time: 7:30 p.m. Admission $10
Phone: (215) 423-5002. This will be in conjuction with an art show

The art show will be held in the Jennifer Bates Memorial Gallery and the opening and reception will be held on Friday, June 6, 5-9 p.m. The art show will be on display from June 6, 2008-July 20, 2008.



 It is with heavy hearts that we acknowledge our gratitude
to Betty Ferbrache who passed away on April 24, 2008 at the age of 83.

 We will always remember Betty for her level-headedness and singular personality.
She was always an accepting and gracious host to Changes and many other troubadours
who crossed her threshold to visit and record music at Studio Absenta
which shared her roof. She was surely a veritable oasis of comfort
during the often grueling hours of

 Fair thee well Betty on your journey west.
You are not forgotten.


3/4/08--Not much news lately so the website had been rather staid. But some new events are on the horizon. The Lament album is in its final stages of mastering so we will hopefully have a release soon. Changes will be performing in Philadelphia in conjunction with an art show this summer. We have presently added liner notes for the Fire of Life album to the Liner Notes pages of this site. Included are the notes originally written by Robert and printed on the album liner itself plus some updated addendum also by Robert.

10/26/07--There are changes to the look of our Merchandise Shoppe. With the growing number of items available for purchase, separate pages have been created for T-Shirts, Albums and Songbooks. New additions to the Albums page include Werkraum's Kristalle MCD on which both Robert and Nicholas participated and Allerseelen's Hallstatt album which contains a wonderful song, "But a Spark in the Night", with lyrics and vocals by R. N. Taylor. A few more additions will be added soon.

9/16/07--Great News!!!!
Ash Stewart Taylor arrived on September 15th at 4:00 a.m. EDT. Born to Changes' R. N. Taylor and
Christina (Finlayson) Taylor in the living room of their home. A midwife and R. N. were in attendance.
Ash weighed 6 lbs. 10 ounces. He arrived several weeks before the expected date. Ash and his mother, Christina,
are doing very well. It was truly a joyous occasion.

7/17/07--The Legends LP has now been released and is presently available
through HauRuck! and will soon be available from other distributors as well!

6/8/07--The A Ripple in Time LP is now available in our Merchandise Shoppe in white vinyl
with a choice of a gold foiled or purple foiled cover design!

5/22/07--It is again that grievous news must grace this page. On May 17 a good friend
of Robert and Nicholas and to the whole neofolk scene, David E. Williams, lost his lady,
Jennifer Yael Bates, after a twenty month battle with leukemia. Our deepest
condolences to David and to her family!

5/19/07--The great "Magical Forest Folk Fest" took place in St. Louis, Missouri on this day and Changes was delighted to perform for all of the fine people that attended this event.
Photos will be posted soon.

4/29/07--Chronicle and photos posted of the great Ragnarokia 2007 Festival held in Northampton, Massachusetts on April 21, 2007 (Concerts).

4/12/07--Fire of Life T-shirts now available for purchase.

4/7/07--Today the Men Among the Ruins split CD debuts in the Merchandise Shoppe.
Debuting also in "Liner Notes" are both the liner notes for Men Among the Ruins and the lyrics of the included Changes songs.
The long awaited Fire of Life T-shirts will be posted very soon.

4/1/07--A notification has been received that the Men Among the Ruins Changes/Allerseelen split produced by Indiestate in Russia has finally arrived. The split CD will be available from this site very soon!!

2/6/07--It is with deepest sorrow that we write that a great friend of Changes, James Elenidis of New York, lost his battle with cancer on this day. He's well known for his excellent co-production work with Jane Elizabeth of TESCO's Death in June Live in New York DVD. He was a good-hearted person with a great sense of humor and always interesting to talk to in person or over the internet. Robert and Nicholas first met him in Chicago in December of 2003. They were again able to have a very enjoyable time with him when performing in New York City in March of 2005.
Our sincerest condolences to his family. He will sorely be missed!

11/26/06--The Men Among the Ruins (Changes/Allerseelen) CD produced in Russia by Indiestate on the Ewers Tonkunst label has arrived at one of its two European distributors, Steinklang Records and is available through them and Allerseelen's Aorta site. Though travels to the U.S. sometimes delay shipments considerably, we will hopefully have copies to sell from this site for U.S. distribution in the very near future.

10/30/06--Great News!! The A Ripple in Time LP will have its official release on October 31, 2006, Halloween Day! It will take a little while until they reach the distributors or this site, but at least they will be available soon!

For news from an earlier date please visit the Changes Archives


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