first Wonder Wart-Hog story,
in the Austin Bacchanal. |
Wart-Hog at the peak of his powers (1967).
Bacchanal Mar 1962 "Fearless, Fighting, Foulmouthed Wonder Wart-Hog" (repr in Best of WW Vol. 2)
Bacchanal Apr 1962. "Wonder Wart-Hog Meets Super-Fool"
(repr in Texas Ranger and Charlatan)
Aug 1962. "The Heavy Hand of College Humor". (p. 288) (Article opens
with the splash page from the Mar 1962 Bacchanal,
with a reduced reproduction of the first panel page. Brief mention of
WWH as a parody of Superman.)
Texas Ranger Sept 1962, "WW meets Super-Hypnotist" (repr
in Charlatan v4n3, Help! Feb 64, HOS 2, , Best of WW Vol. 1)
Texas Ranger Oct 1962, "WW meets the Merciless,
Menacing Masked Meanie" (repr in HOS 2)
[According to Zap No. 15, the story in this magazine
was "WW meets Psuper Psychiatrist", which is incorrect.]
Texas Ranger Nov 1962, "WW meets Super-Patriot" (repr in Charlatan v2n5, Esquire (Sept. 1964), Underground Classics WW Vol 2, Best of WW Vol. 1, U. of Florida Orange Peel (Mar. 1963))
Texas Ranger Dec 1962, "WW Meets the Mob, Chapter 1 (rep in Charlatan v1n2, Best of WW Vol. 1, Underground Classics 5)
Texas Ranger Feb. 1963, "WW Meets the Mob, Chapter 2 (rep in Charlatan v1n3, Best of WW Vol. 1, Underground Classics 5)
Texas Ranger Apr. 1963, "WW Meets the Mob, Chapter 3 (rep in Charlatan v1n4, Best of WW Vol. 1, Underground Classics 5)
Texas Ranger Oct. 1963, "WW Meets Supercop" (rep in Drag
45, Best of WW Vol. 1, Underground Classics 7 WW Vol 2)
Charlatan Vol. 1 No. 1 (Sept. 1963), "Fearless,
Fighting, Foulmouthed Wonder Wart-Hog” (same story as in Bacchanal,
but with different splash page)
Charlatan Vol. 1 No. 4 (Feb. 1964), "Wonder Wart-Hog Meets the Merciless, Masked Meanie!" (reprinted from Texas Ranger)
Charlatan Vol. 2 No. 1 (Sept. 1964), "Wonder Wart-Hog
Meets the Mob!" (reprinted from Texas
Charlatan Vol. 2 No. 3 (Dec. 1964), "Wonder Wart-Hog
Meets the Mob, Chapter 2" (reprinted from Texas
Charlatan Vol. 2 No. 4 (Feb. 1965), "Wonder Wart-Hog Meets the Mob, Chapter 3" (reprinted from Texas Ranger)
Charlatan Vol. 2 No. 5 (Apr. 1965), "WW
meets Super-Patriot" (reprinted from Texas Ranger)
Charlatan Vol. 3 No. 2 (Nov. 1965), "The Sublime
Adventures of Wonder Wart-Hog and the Return of the Masked
Meanie!" (also in Help! No.
Charlatan Vol. 3 No. 3 (Dec. 1965), "Wonder Wart-Hog Meets Super-Fool" (reprinted from Texas Ranger)
Charlatan Vol. 4 No. 3 (Feb. 1966), "Wonder Wart-Hog
Meets Super-Hypnotist!" (reprinted from Texas
Kurtzman's Help!
Harvey Kurtzman (1924-1993) was the genius behind Mad magazine and
the long-running Playboy
feature "Little Annie Fanny", as well as several lesser-known
magazines. Among those, Help! was the
longest lived, running from 1960 to 1965. Kurtzman was a mentor
to many developing artists like Terry Giliiam and R. Crumb, and
ran cartoons from college mags around the US. Thus, Wonder
Wart-Hog made his first nationally distributed appearance in the
pages of Help!
Help! Vol. 2, #4 (#16, Nov 62) "WW Meets Super Fool"
Help! Vol. 2, No.6 (#18, May 63) "WW Meets the Mob"
Help! Vol. 2, No. 8 (#20, Feb, 64) "WW meets Super Hypnotist"
Help! No. 22 (Jan 65) "WW Meets the Merangsters"
Help! No. 23 (Mar 65) "The Wird Ones"
Help! No. 24 (May 65) "Super Granny"
Help! No. 25 (July 65) "WW Goes A-Freedom-Riding!"
Help! No. 26 (Sept 65) "The Return of the Masked Meanie!"
(also in Charlatan Vol. 3 No.
Fast-Acting Help! (1961 paperback) "WW meets Super Hypnotist"
Drag Cartoons
Pete Millar was an incredibly
prolific cartoonist and publisher, churning out much of the artwork for
several magazines during the mid-to-late 1960s. He also used some other
top-notch illustrators like Alex Toth and, of course, Gilbert Shelton. The
stories in Drag
Cartoons represent the largest group published in one
place and also show the maturing of Gilbert's style. Surely, working with
Tony Bell and Joe E Brown, Jr must have had an influence on this style,
but it's clear that the basics were there before and the polish remained
after his work with these collaborators.
Millar also produced two issues of the Wonder Wart-Hog Quarterly.
There were two because publishing lead times meant that he didn't discover
it was a flop until the second issue was already printed. Millar took a
huge loss on the magazine, as well as on the even more esoteric Big Daddy Roth magazine.
These failures almost bankrupted him, and caused him to sell the rights to
Cartoons to his printer and leave the country for a time
with his family. Shelton, however, forged ahead with WW in other venues.
No. Date Title
25 Mar 66 "WW Comes to the Drags!" [first appearance]
26 Apr 66 "WW Constructs a Wheelie-Turnin’ Toronado"
27 May 66 "WW Goes to Viet Nam!"
28 Jun 66 "WW meets the Menace of the Plastic Man"
29 Jul 66 "WW and the Merciless, Menacing Masked Meanie" (repr in HOS 3 and Rip Off No. 22)
30 Aug 66 "WW meets The Granny of Gruntville"
31 Sept 66 "Masked Meanie’s Marine Malfeasance"
32 Oct 66 "WW Meets the Bad Brainbender"
33 Nov 66 "Pie Man’s Funny Car"
34 Dec 66 "WW Meets The Dread Nazi Menace"
35 Jan 67 "WW Goes to Jail" (repr in Best of Drag Cartoons #2)
36 Feb 67 "WW Builds A Dream Car" (repr in Best of WW Vol III)
37 Mar 67 "WW Meets the International Order of Bomb-Flinging Fiends" (repr in Best of WW Vol III)
38 Apr 67 "WW Discovers the Amazing Meanie Fuel" (repr in HOS 3, 49 May 99)
39 May 67 "WW meets the Famous Rushin’ Bear" (repr in HOS 1)
40 June 67 "WW Meets Evil Weevil"
41 July 67 "WW becomes an Ace Photographer"
42 Aug 67 "WW Gets a Flame Suit!"
43 Sept 67 "WW Opens a Concession Stand" (repr in Best of WW Vol III)
44 Oct 67 "WW and the Comet Insurance Man" (repr in Best of WW Vol III)
45 Nov 67 "WW meets Supercop" (orig Ranger 10/63, repr in Best of WW Vol I, Underground Classics 7)
46 Dec 67 "The Year They Blew Christmas" (repr in Best of WW Vol III)
47 Jan 68 "The Name Game" (repr in Racin' Toons 6, Best of WW Vol III)
48 Mar 68 "WW & the Wird Ones!" (orig Help #23, repr in Best of WW Vol III)
49 Apr 68 "WW Meets Pie Man" (last issue)
49 May 99 "WW Discovers the Amazing Meanie Fuel" (note duplicate number;
revived Drag Cartoons series
from 1999)
Wonder Wart-Hog The Hog of Steel Number One (Millar Publ, 1968)
WW Meets Pie Man
WW Meets the Merciless Menacing Masked Meanie (reprinted a million
WW Meets Super Fool (text story)
WW Meets His Maker (repr in Underground Classics WW Vol 2)
WW Visits the Ghetto (also Best of DRAG Cartoons, No. 5, Okay
Everybody Seems to Be Going Over to Viet Nam! (not
the same as "WW Goes To Viet Nam" in Drag
Cartoons No. 26!)
WW Goes A-Freedom-Riding! (repr from Help! 25)
The battle of the Titans part I (repr in Battle of the Titans)
Wonder Wart-Hog Magazine Number 2 (Millar Publ, 1968)
WW meets the Mafia (repr in Underground Classics 5)
The amazing disappearing baseball team (text story)
The return of the masked meanie (repr in Not Only the Best of WW Vol. II, HOS3)
Strike fever (repr in Underground Classics 7)
The Parable of Philbert and the Pusher
WW meets the zymotic zookeeper (repr in Hog of Steel Vol 1)
Phibert Desanex's 115th dream (repr in Philbert
Desanex's Dreams)
The Advemtires of Philbert Desanex
The Battle of the Titans Part II (repr in Battle of the Titans)
Best of Pete Millar’s Drag Cartoons #1
WW Comes to the Drags!
Best of Pete Millar’s Drag Cartoons #2 (1969)
WW Goes to Jail
Best of DRAG Cartoons, No. 5
WW Visits the Ghetto (also in Wonder Wart-Hog Quarterly #1
and Okay Comics v1n11-12 (Mar 73)
Zap Comix #3 (1968) "69 Issue". Wonder Blows an Easy One
Zap Comix #4 (1968) WW Breaks Up the Muthalode Smut Ring
and Also 'Balls' Lois Lamebrain (This story is so vile that Zap
#4 is still banned by Canadian customs for obscenity.)
Zap Comix #5 (1968) WW’s Believe it or Leave It
Zam (Zap Comix Jam) (1974) WW Takes A Brief Sojourn In Outer Space
Zap Comix #15 (2004) The Wart-Hog That Came In From The Cold
Zap Comix #16 (2016) WW and His Faithful Sidekick Chernobyl Chicken, The Gamma-Ray Emitting Avenger (dated 2011) (First printed in The Best of Wonder Wart-Hog, 2013)
Radical America Komiks #1 (1969) "Smiling Sergeant Death meets WW". Publication of Students for a Democratic Society. (Reprinted in OZ Magazine 31. UK, Nov/December 1970, Nurds)
Georgia Straight, Vol.3, No.74 (Sept.10, 1969) "WW meets the Elusive Chimerical Chameleon!" (repr of story in Feds ‘n’ Heads)
Hydrogen Bomb Funnies (1970) "WW and the Invasion of the Pigs from Uranus!" (repr. in Jymy Sarjat, Nasty Tales No. 2, Nurds, Underground Classics 12)
OZ Magazine 31. (UK, Nov/December 1970) "Smiling Sergeant Death meets Wonder Wart-Hog" (repr from Radical America Komiks #1)
Nasty Tales No 2 (UK, Aug 1971) "WW and the Invasion of the Pigs from Uranus!" (repr from Hydrogen Bomb Funnies)
#1 (San Francisco, Almighty Publishing Co., 1971) "Hero of the
Beach". A one-page throwaway of about the same low quality as as the "Smut
Ring" story. A very obscure comik, and deservedly so.
OZ Magazine 41. (UK, April 1972) "WW meets the Elusive
Chimerical Chameleon!" (repr of story in Feds ‘n’ Heads)
Okay Comics (vol. 1, no. 11-12, 1973) WW Visits the Ghetto (in two parts. Repr. of story in Best of Drag Cartoons, No 5)
Jymy Sarjat (Number 4, 1973, Finland) WW and the Pigs from Uranus (repr from Hydrogen Bomb Funnies and Underground Classics 12), but translated into Finnish
Winnipeg "Rag" No. 1, May 1979. "WW and the Nurds of November" (This seems to be the first appearance of this story. Also repr. in Nurds collection (1980) and as a comic in 1988.)
Rip-Off #1 "WW Goes on Welfare!" (1977) (repr in Nurds)
Rip-Off #2 "Epidemic" (1977) (repr in Nurds)
Rip-Off #3 "Return from the Planet of the Pigs" (1978) (repr in Nurds, HOS 2)
Rip-Off #4 "Sudden Death" (1978) (repr in Nurds)
Rip-Off #5 "The Famous Superheroes School" (1978) (repr in Nurds, HOS 3)
Rip-Off #8 "Battle of the Titans Part 1" (1984) (repr as book)
Rip-Off #9 "Battle of the Titans Part 2" (1984) (repr as book)
Rip-Off #10 "Battle of the Titans Part 3" (1984) (repr as book)
Rip-Off #11 "Battle of the Titans Part 4" (1984) (repr as book)
Rip-Off #12 "Battle of the Titans Part 5" (1984) (repr as book)
Rip-Off #13 unknown WW story (comic was advertised but never published)
Rip-Off #22 "WW and the merciless menacing Masked Meanie" (1989) (repr from Drag Cartoons No. 29)
Fox River Patriot No. 71 (Wisconsin; Denis Kitchen’s alt weekly, 1979) unknown WW story
Drag Racing Online "WW Runs at Indy" (Vol III, No 7, 2001) (repr from Nurds)
Books and Comik Collections
Wonder Wart-Hog, Captain Crud & Other Super Stuff (1967) "WW meets Super Patriot" and "WW Meets the Mob" (both reprinted from Texas Ranger)
Feds ‘n’ Heads (1968) "WW Meets The Elusive, Chimerical Chameleon!" (repr in Georgia Straight)
Not Only the Best of Wonder Wart-Hog Vol. I (1961-1963) (The Print Mint, 1973) early stories from Texas Ranger
WW Meets the Merciless Menacing Masked Meanie
WW Meets The Mob: Chapters 1, 2 and 3
WW Meets The Super-Patriot
WW Meets The Super-Hypnotist
WW Meets Supercop
Not Only the Best of Wonder Wart-Hog Vol. II (The Print
Mint, 1975) stories from Help!
and Drag
Fearless, Fighting, Foul-Mouthed Wonder Wart-Hog (1962 origin story)
WW Meets Super-Fool
WW Goes a-Freedom-Riding
WW Encounters Super Granny
WW and the Return of the Masked Meanie
WW and the Merciless, Menacing Masked Meanie
The Adventures of Philbert Desanex
WW Meets the Merangsters
Not Only the Best of Wonder Wart-Hog Vol. III (The Print Mint, 1973)
The Wird Ones
The Year They Blew Christmas
WW and the Comet Insurance Man
WW Opens a Concession Stand
WW Builds a Dream Car
WW Meets the International Order of Bomb-Flinging Fiends
The Name Game
WW and the Nurds of November. Gilbert Shelton's Exciting Cartoon Novel of Election-Year Politics, International Nuclear Terror, Professional Football, Science Fiction, Motorcycle and Auto Racing, Pestilence, Famine, Economic Collapse and Romantic Love (1980) 216 pp.
Escape from Planet Squootpeep (repr. in HOS1)
Wonder Goes on Welfare
Return from Planet of the Pigs
Sudden Death
Philbert Gets a Job
Philbert's 99,998th Dream
The Famous Superheroes School
Philbert's 99,999th Dream
Wonder Wart-Hog Runs at Indy (index reads "Philbert Runs at Indy")
A Day in the Life
Philbert's 100,000th Dream
The Nurds of November (repr. as a comic in 1988)
The Pigs of Uranus (repr from Hydrogen Bomb Funnies)
Smiling Sergeant Death meets Wonder Wart-Hog (repr. from Radical Amerika Komiks #1)
WW and the Battle of the Titans (1985)
Parts 1-5
Underground Classics 5 WW Vol 1 (1988)
Fearless, Fighting, Foul-Mouthed Wonder Wart-Hog (1962 origin story)
WW Meets the Mob (chapters I, II and III)
WW Meets the Mafia
WW Encounters Super Granny
The Adventures of Philbert Desanex
Underground Classics 7 WW Vol 2 (1988)
WW Meets Super-Fool
WW Meets Super-Patriot
WW Meets Supercop
WW Meets His Maker
Strike Fever
Underground Classics 12 "Gilbert Shelton in 3D"
WW and the Pigs from Uranus (reprinted from Hydrogen Bomb Funnies)
Wonder Wart-Hog and the Nurds of November (1988)
Philbert Desanex’ Dreams (1993)
Hog of Steel Vol 1 (1995)
Escape from the Planet Squootpeep
WW Meets the Zymotic Zookeeper
WW Meets the Famous Rushin’ Bear
Hog of Steel Vol 2 (1995)
Return from the Planet of the Pigs
WW Meets Super-Hypnotist
WW Meets the Merciless, Menacing Masked Meanie
Hog of Steel Vol 3 (1995)
The Famous Superheroes School
Return of the Masked Meanie
WW and the Merciless, Menacing Masked Meanie
WW Discovers the Amazing Meanie Fuel
Fearless, Fighting, Foul-Mouthed Wonder Wart-Hog
WW Meets the Merciless, Menacing Masked Meanie
WW Meets Super-Hypnotist
WW and the Return of the Masked Meanie
The Wird Ones
WW Goes A-Freedom Riding!
WW Meets the Merangsters
WW and the Merciless, Menacing Masked Meanie
WW Goes to Jail!
WW Builds a Dream Car
WW Opens a Concession Stand
WW and the Comet Insurance Man
WW Meets Supercop!
The Year They Blew Christmas
WW Meets Pie Man
WW Meets His Maker
WW Visits the Ghetto
WW Meets the Mafia
Strike Fever
WW Meets the Zymotic Zookeeper
Philbert Desanex 115th Dream
The Adventures of Philbert Desanex
The Battle of the Titans
The Battle of the Titans Part 2, The Death of WW
WW Meets the Elusive, Chimerical Chameleon
WW and the Invasion of the Pigs from Uranus!
The Parable of Philbert and the Pusher
The Wart-Hog that Came in from the Cold
WW and His Faithful Sidekick Chernobyl Chicken
WW Meets Super-Fool
WW Encounters Super Granny
WW Meets Super-Patriot
WW Goes on Welfare!
Return From the Planet of the Pigs
Sudden Death
WW and the Famous Superheroes School
Philbert Desanex' 100,000th Dream
Escape from the Planet Squootpeep!
Philbert Gets a Job
Philbert Desanex' 99,998th Dream
Philbert Desanex' 99,999th Dream
WW Runs at Indy
A Day in the Life of Philbert Desanex
WW and the Nurds of November
Millenium Fever
Philbert Buys a Television
WW Breaks Up the Muthalode Smut Ring
WW's Believe It or Leave It!
Wonder Blows and Easy One
Philbert and the Street Entertainer
Unknown venues
Philbert Buys A Television (1989) Original publication unknown. Reprinted in The Best of Wonder Wart-Hog (2013).
Millenium Fever (1999)
Original publication in English unknown. Digital images found on
(now defunct). Appeared in French in "L'Echo des Savanes Special An 2000"
in late 1999. Reprinted in The Best of Wonder Wart-Hog
"[I]nternational weekly syndication in the mid-to-late 1970s." (Foreword to "Philbert Desenex’ Dreams".)
"Wonder Wart-Hog Saves the Day", reportedly in "Big Daddy Roth" magazine,
but that mag never ran a WW story. The title hasn't surfaced elsewhere,
Updated 18 June 2018. Contents copyright 2005-18 by Vance Bass (vrbass a t nmia dt com). To be used for personal enjoyment and education only. Wonder Wart-Hog and the images presented here are, of course, the creation and property of Gilbert Shelton and Rip-Off Press.