Rear Seatback Removal, e32


The rear seatback has to come out to get access to the top nuts when replacing the rear shocks. Start by removing the seat bottom. (Click here for details on how to remove power rear seats, courtesy of Jon Evans. Also, visit his excellent website at:

Reach under & pry the front edge straight up, there is a clip about 12" in from the door. Do this on both sides and slide the seat bottom out of the car.

As long as I'm under here, I may as well show a view of the battery. You can get new ones from Autozone: "Duralast" Size 49-D, $59.99 direct fit, even comes with the vent tube kit. Seven year warrantee, 2 year free replacement 750 CCA (cold cranking amps, 935 cranking amps)

There are 4 plastic nuts at the bottom of the seat back, two are near the seatbelt sockets near the doors and two are behind the center armrest. Pull the liner down by pealing the VelcroŽ at the upper edge. When replacing them, remember they're only plastic so don't tighten them too tight.

The rear headrests need to come out. Slide them to the fully extended position & pull them upward & they will slide out of the socket.

Turn the black plastic clips 90° with a broad screwdriver & pry out the plastic bezels.

Pry the seatbelt bezels out. I show the bare screwdriver for illustration only, protect the leather with a cloth & use a blunt plastic or wood blade to pry them out.

Pull the 4 bottom brackets out slightly to clear the studs, & lift the seatback up to release the upper clips from the sockets. If removing only for getting access to the upper shock absorber mounts, the seatback doesn't need to be removed from the car. Just tilt it forward out of the way.

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gale, 92 735i

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