Baker Aerial Archaeology

Table of Site Contents

Mimbres Birdman design, ca. 1000 AD

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Welcome to the website

List of Illustrations (thumbnail views and links to all photos and maps on the site)


1. What is Aerial Archaeology Anyway?

Can you dig the air? We do.

The Secret of Aerial Archaeology
(demonstrated with aerial photos of archaeological sites)


2. Aerial Archaeology Newsletter (being updated, temporarily off-line)

Current events in aerial archaeology


3. Aerial Archaeology in Mexico:

The Casas Grandes/Cerros de Trincheras Aerial Photo Expedition

Cerros de Trincheras ("Entrenched Mountain") sites
by John Roney

Trinchera hill sites: forts, farms, or fortified farms?
by Tom Baker


4. Mysteries of Chaco: The Aerial Perspective

Chaco "aureolas:" mystery circles
(with aerial photo of a Chaco aureola)


5. Technical Discussions

What makes an archaeological site visible from the air?
(demonstrated with aerial photos of archaeological sites)


6. Historical Notes

1927 aerial photography of a Wisconsin effigy mound
from information contributed by Richard Dexter


7. Prehistoric Agriculture of the U.S. Southwest (added 23 April 2003)

Aerial photography of ancient "grid gardens" in central New Mexico

by Tom Baker


7. Links to related websites (temporarily off-line)